FIRST: Super devastated to know that the FOUNDING MEMBERS of the band Paramore had decided to call it quits. I just can't imagine the three remaining to maintain what the band has started. My faith lies on Taylor York and whatever it is that Hayley would write,which I hope is about the Farros leaving. Goodluck on finding a new drummer cause Zac is really sick! The Farros always gave the artistic vibe. I wonder how they will continue. Well, we'll just have to see on 2011.
As for the Farros, I will watch out for them whatever band they decide. Happiness for the both of them. For Josh and his wifey and hopefully Zac finds a girl or goes back with Emily.
Hayyy. It's just that I think they are the band that made me into alternative rock. It's just bad how things turned out to be.
Oh well, you know what they say, you only have 15 minutes of fame.
I miss them already :|