Saturday, February 12, 2011

Your eyes. Your eyes.

So, today I've watched clips over at Youtube on how to clean make up brushes and as well as make up sponges. And I was successful at cleaning them.

Make-up I need to have. Please when I have money.

DISCLAIMER : I do not have full knowledge of make-up and I do not own professional ones. And I don't know what to call some of it.And the right brands. So please don't be offended or insulted if I called some things wrong :D

1.) Black Eyeshadow Cream

2.) Liquid Eyeliner

3.)Brow brush

4.) Glitter eyeliner

5.)Eye shadow brush

And I honestly want to this make-up:

But I am Asian so I have monolids. But hey, I shall try.

PS: Pictures not mine. Just searched Google. :)

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